Moving Forward

Synopsis: Moving Forward takes an experimental look at the idea of “staying the course”. As human beings, we are constantly challenged with obstacles that get in our pathway and stop us from reaching our destinations. Aging is inevitable, but it should not slow us down on our road to being happy and reaching our goals. When roads are blocked, we must not stop and be angry with ourselves but move forward. When we do finally reach our resting place we should celebrate our past achievements and value the present. Like an old abandoned car that has been overtaken by the field’s long grass, its wheels succumbed to the dirt below; it becomes a new shelter from the sun in the summer and snow in the winter.
Technical Notes: Moving Forward was created at Philip Hoffman’s Independent Imaging Retreat. The entire film was hand processed and the final release print was created using a 16mm flatbed editing table. The film was shot on Kodak 3378 16mm optical sound track film, this film stock has a very low ISO of 12 and is very high in contrast. The final film was printed on 16mm 7302 black and white print film stock. This is the first film that I created on my own without any assistance from laboratories. The inspiration behind this film came from renewing my driver license on my 40th birthday and comparing the new license to one that had been taken five years prior. Shortly after renewing my driver license I decided to leave my full time position as Technical Director at The Independent Filmmakers Co-operative of Ottawa to pursue a life of a film artist.
Technical Notes: Moving Forward was created at Philip Hoffman’s Independent Imaging Retreat. The entire film was hand processed and the final release print was created using a 16mm flatbed editing table. The film was shot on Kodak 3378 16mm optical sound track film, this film stock has a very low ISO of 12 and is very high in contrast. The final film was printed on 16mm 7302 black and white print film stock. This is the first film that I created on my own without any assistance from laboratories. The inspiration behind this film came from renewing my driver license on my 40th birthday and comparing the new license to one that had been taken five years prior. Shortly after renewing my driver license I decided to leave my full time position as Technical Director at The Independent Filmmakers Co-operative of Ottawa to pursue a life of a film artist.