Gasping for Air
Synopsis: In a world where media art is turning to a digital age a young girl explores an oasis under the sea where film is still very much alive.
Technical Notes: Gasping for Air is a 16mm film loop that was created for the Windows Collective screening at the 2010 Lumiere Festival held in the community of New Edinburgh in Ottawa, Ontario. The film was shot on 16mm black and white film and was hand processed; the final projection print was created using a 16mm flatbed editing table. I created this film after a comment was made to me about 16mm film projectors being nothing more than boat anchors in a world of digital.
Technical Notes: Gasping for Air is a 16mm film loop that was created for the Windows Collective screening at the 2010 Lumiere Festival held in the community of New Edinburgh in Ottawa, Ontario. The film was shot on 16mm black and white film and was hand processed; the final projection print was created using a 16mm flatbed editing table. I created this film after a comment was made to me about 16mm film projectors being nothing more than boat anchors in a world of digital.